Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Its around the time of internship last summer when instead of being neck-deep in work we were busy bein idle and the idleness started mounting on my mind ...paving a way to this poem...!

At times I feel sick
of long day I have to spend
and no work, as such, to blend
simply being a couch-potato
all day I just sit
in front of the dead screen
punching the keys
making my limbs freeze.

At this point of life
I’m afraid to say
but my mind is in total affray
how can it be
that people around me
are all busy-bee
and only I am an
empty tree.
It is so agonizing
as I m simply
vegetating my life
cruising through time
like a sluggish knife
I know very well
that time gone
never comes back
still I m stuffing
my idleness,
my boredom….!

Well said that
empty mind is devil's box
but why is all this
a part of my socks.
With only writing
being a succor for me,
I don’t know
how to get free
from the tentacles
of this inactivity.

I think there’s a tunnel
full of darkness,
ahead of me,
blocking my vision,
standing in my way,
like a stubborn child
tantalizing me,
like a bull-fighter,
every time when
I start my day’s work.
Otherwise how come
My mates are living happily
And I m feeling the prick
Of this unabated-passivity.

~Ankur Garg~

Friday, April 15, 2005

Wanting to be a writer..!!

I wish i get up someday from the mid of my sleep
and start typing, endlessly....
without any sense of space and time,
without any sense of the world around,
capturing every little thought flashing my mind
like a speed of light....
i want to give words to what i think,
what i see, what i feel
give life and soul to what flows in my head,
my imagination, my cobweb and my life..

isnt' there sooooo much to write in this world
so much to understand, realise and observe..
there are millions of thoughts, directions, people
everyday so many things take place which may be ordinary to one,
but at the same time important to some
want to marry every such instance of my world around
want to sing every such song,
want to see my fingers move swiftly,
fixing words for the world's best unknown thoughts...

at times this thought strikes my mind
that i can be a writer one day
that i will have a book published in my name
that i will be famous and enjoy a writer's fame
at times this thought strikes my mind
that although engineer by profession
somewhere down the line i'll find time
and garner some thoughts and some rhyme
and write a few poems,
and a couple of books
besides what i'll be doing to earn my breasd
and pay salaries to my cooks

its such a rich feeling to be feeling different from the world
from people, from mases, and being in totally different world
though being there itself
it feels like a bliss to be so thoughful
such a thinker, a writer...gosh am i already a writer..???

~Ankur Garg~